Seal Coating A Business Parking Lot Indiana is known for its bipolar winters. The winters…

Treating Alligator Cracks
How To Identify and Treat Alligator Cracks
Asphalt surfaces are susceptible to cracking at some point. The flexibility, extreme temperature changes, vehicle weights, UV, rain, snowplows, and ice cracked asphalt is inevitable. One of the more common types of deterioration in asphalt is alligator cracking. In order to prevent further damage to asphalt, once alligator cracking begins to appear, it is important to begin treating the pavement.
Identifying Alligator Cracks
Over the course of time, asphalt will weaken and begin cracking in interconnected patterns that resemble the skin of an alligator or crocodile. Once you begin to see alligator cracks, that is a sign there could be problems beneath the surface layer. When those underlying subgrades cannot support the pressure anymore, that is when alligator cracks begin to form.
Alligator Crack Repair
The asphalt base is the best long-term option for repairing alligator cracking. If the subgrade level is not properly addressed it could cause other premature problems in the future. Patching and sealing asphalt cracks could get you by, but until the subgrade is repaired, it is only a temporary solution. The team at B&T Seal Coating and Asphalt will examine your asphalt and address the subgrade to handle the necessary weight requirements or your driveway, parking lot or small street.
Crack Filling and Sealing
At the point you begin seeing cracks forming, filling the cracks or sealing them can be temporary. The experts at B&T can help you identify solutions that can meet your budget and needs. Some of those solutions could simply involve crack filling or sealcoating. But once you begin seeing cracks in the asphalt, we can help you one way or the other.
Contact B&T Seal Coating and Asphalt
Whether you see alligator cracking, other types of cracking, or are unsure if your asphalt needs maintenance, the best options are to have one of our professionals take a look. Contact us today about our asphalt services and let B&T be your help you identify your best options. Based in Franklin and serving the Indianapolis, IN area, B&T is your local asphalt and seal coat company.