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Commercial Asphalt Seal Coating
Seal Coating A Business Parking Lot
Indiana is known for its bipolar winters. The winters often bring 18+ inches of snow, or 18+ inches of rain, subzero temperatures one week and 50-degree weather another. The constant expansion, contraction, deterioration, and damage of asphalt and concrete take a toll. Furthermore, the extreme temperatures, ice, salt, snowplows, and traffic create additional damage. As a business owner or manager, understanding how weather impacts the exteriors of your business should be kept in the back of your mind. Maintenance budgeting is necessary and knowing exterior maintenance costs are helpful. Fortunately, protecting and extending the life of your asphalt and concrete on your property is easier than one may believe. B&T’s professional commercial asphalt seal coating service in Indianapolis can help mitigate those cracks and potholes.
Protect Parking Lots with Seal Coating
Everyone knows that asphalt and concrete can develop cracks and potholes over time. But have you ever considered how those cracks and potholes form? Asphalt and concrete are naturally porous materials that will eventually allow moisture from rain, snow, and ice to seep into and under those surfaces. During the extreme colds, that moisture will turn to ice and expand inside and under the asphalt and concrete. This expansion and contraction will weaken the materials causing cracks and potholes to start to develop. With the addition of the heavy trucks, trailers, cars and dragging snowplows across the surfaces, cracks and potholes happen. Future damage to your asphalt is inevitable making maintaining your parking lots and roadways essential.
Utilizing a professional seal coating program, like those offered by B&T Seal Coating and Asphalt, will add a protective layer on those surfaces preventing water from seeping in and getting underneath those materials. Commercial seal coating companies can offer highly effective and affordable solutions in extending the life of your asphalt and concrete parking lots and roadways. The money spent on regular seal coating treatments will save your business money on asphalt repairs and maintenance over time.
B&T’s Process
B&T does its best for each and every customer, commercial or residential. We use quality products and the best techniques on every seal coating project we do. Our process for commercial projects is a little different than residential when it comes to coordination. A lot of locations have significant foot traffic and seal coating could disrupt normal business, so we will work closely with you on the best time frames that fit into your schedule. We can even conduct the work in the evenings after normal business hours to minimize any disruption.
When it’s time to begin the project, we will make sure the surfaces are clean. Sweeping and pressure washing the areas to be seal coated. Hot crack filling will seal up any cracks in the pavement. Necessary oil spots will be treated. Once the prep work is completed, we will apply your seal coat to the designated surfaces. Finally, we will also apply the line stripping where needed.
Hiring B&T for Asphalt Seal Coating
Maintaining a clean and well-kept parking lot is a positive in retaining customers. Choosing B&T Seal Coating and Asphalt as your commercial seal coating partner to help maintain and make necessary repairs is a great decision. Family-owned and operated business since 1995, B&T has built many relationships and maintained many commercial customers for the last 25 years. With our reputation for quality and satisfaction, you can feel confident that B&T is a great partner for your commercial seal coating maintenance for years to come.